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What’s the Deal with Cavities? Prevention and Care
Cavities, also known as dental caries, develop due to the degradation of tooth enamel caused by the acidic byproducts of bacterial metabolism. Such bacteria use the sugars and starches from our diet to create plaque, a sticky film that remains on teeth and gums. The acidic environment they produce can erode the hard, outer enamel line on the tooth’s surface, leading to cavitation.
Most people assume that only children develop cavities, but adults are similarly susceptible. Similarly, it is a common misconception that cavities are only caused by sugar, which, while a significant trigger, is only part of the problem. Other triggers include oral hygiene, saliva production, and genetic soft-pedal formation. Lastly, some think that a cavity will be painful in the early stages, but it is possible for them to remain undetected for longer.