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General Anesthesia

It is one of the technique of anesthesia administered to induce unconsciousness and to provide comfort and calm during the procedure being performed.In this gas is inhaled for medically inducing coma like state in which pain, memory and sensation are lacked and patient doesn’t remember it once anesthesia wears off.

Reasons for General Anesthesia

Mostly used in cases where extensive dental procedures are required and can take a significant time.

In individuals with special needs who have very less pain threshold,have high level of anxiety or phobias and  might not be very comfortable or cooperative during the process,General anesthesia proves to be very important in such cases.

Administration of General Anesthesia

This anesthesia administration requires to be carried out very carefully.Individuals are often required to fast and arrange for transportation and also companion with themselves.It is very crucial that all previous medical history as well as any current medications or allergies to be discussed with dentist .Once gas is inhaled by the patient and patient is unconscious dentist then carries out procedures.Once done patient is administered with reversal agent to get back in state of consciousness .Individual might feel a bit confused and nauseated or drowsy once awaken.

Risks and Considerations

Tough safe there might be some level of risks to individuals with certain conditions.General side effect may be nausea,muscle soreness and general fatigue 

Breathing risks: General anesthesia can suppress breathing, requiring artificial ventilation during the procedure.

Certain motor or cognitive skills might be impaired for some time.

Individuals with history of sleep apnea and obesity  are at increased risk of general anesthesia


Typically, only highly qualified medical professionals—such as oral and maxillofacial surgeons or dental anesthesiologists—administer general anesthesia.

General anesthesia induces unconsciousness by inhaling a gas that leads to a medically induced coma. Patients are unaware of the procedure and feel no pain during treatment.

 General anesthesia is typically safe when administered by qualified medical personnel under strict control. Like any medical procedure, there are potential risks and hazards to take into account.

General side effect may be nausea,muscle soreness and general fatigue 

Breathing risks: General anesthesia can suppress breathing, requiring artificial ventilation during the procedure.

Local anesthesia, conscious sedation, oral sedation are some of the alternatives . Best treatment option is suggested by the dentist depending on individuals general health and any associated medications 

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