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Problems with Orthodontics

Individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment might experience slight discomfort due to orthodontic appliances;It takes time to settle down with a new appliance in the oral cavity.This might be a bit cumbersome especially with braces,brackets & wires but essential for correcting misaligned teeth.

Common Problems

Common problems encountered while undergoing orthodontic treatment are:

Tooth discomfort; Irritation to soft tissues of the oral cavity;Breakage of appliance or wiire

Tooth Discomfort:

The start of the treatment might be an unpleasant experience for some individuals as it may be associated with soreness and discomfort caused by orthodontic braces and adjustments. Individual may get  relieved by this as soon as the mouth gets adapted to the  new pressure which may take a day or two.

Appliance Breakage or Displacement:

Any excessive forces may be  due to biting on hard and sticky food, any  type of trauma or accidental damage;These may lead to breakage or displacement and loosening of appliances or brackets and wires.

Irritation to soft tissues of oral cavity 

Soft tissues of oral cavity may get irritated because of rough edges  and any sharpness present in orthodontic brackets, wires and bands  causing redness and inflammation on cheek, Gum, or Tongue.

Emergency Situations:

While the majority of orthodontic problems do not require to be addressed right away, there are some uncommon situations that should, such as severe discomfort, oral injury, or major appliance breakage that interferes with oral function.

What to Do

For discomfort  and soreness one may rely on over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen etc. ;also warm salt water rinses may be helpful. Incase one experiences irritation due to orthodontic appliance, wires, braces in such case orthodontic wax may be applied on sharp edges to avoid 

Discomfort; in cases with severe discomfort it is advisable  to consult a dentist who can make necessary adjustments and cut smoothen soft edges. In meanwhile it is advisable to avoid touching or rubbing the sharp edges with tongue to avoid injury. Eat soft foods and avoid hard and sticky foods while on orthodontic treatment.


Incase of pain which is a common phenomenon ,over the counter painkillers may provide relief ;Also it is advisable to consume soft food and avoid hard or sticky foods.Warm saltwater rinses also prove to be helpful.In case pain or discomfort persists it is advised to consult the dentist.

Incase of loose or broken wire or bracket ,consult with the orthodontist immediately for immediate repair. Do not try to fix the device yourself as this might lead to more harm or delay the course of therapy. To avoid discomfort in the meantime, you can cover any bulging or sharp edges using orthodontic wax.

In this  case your can apply orthodontic wax to cover the sharp edge of braces due to which there is inflammation.Also instruct child not to roll over tongue to the sharp part as it may cause injury.

Though rare these emergencies can inflict severe pain, trauma  and can apply general oral functioning. It is advisable to immediately consult the orthodontist for any case of emergency.

Get in touch with your orthodontist right away if your kid mistakenly consumes some of an orthodontic appliance, or seek medical assistance. Although it is unlikely that ingesting tiny bits of wires or braces may result in substantial injury, it is important to make sure the component goes through the digestive system without any issues. Further advice might be given by your orthodontist depending on the particular circumstances.

As you continue to take care of your braces and equipment, ensure that you follow your orthodontist’s recommendations to reduce the chance of orthodontic issues. Aside from avoiding the consumption of hard or sticky meals that can harm the equipment, schedule routine check-ups to allow for changes and treatment progress tracking.

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