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Teething is a natural process which normally begins between 4-7 months of age.It indicates eruption of baby’s teeth.It may be associated with certain signs and symptoms like swelling and fever.

Common Symptoms of Teething

Tender swollen gums are often commonly seen in teething process, baby can become cranky in some cases due to pain it is advisable to apply cold teething rings or gently massage the gums to relieve baby from pain. There might be slight change in normal body temperature. Babies tend to experience excessive drooling and frequently put hands in mouth due to increase urge of chewing .

What to Do

It is important to maintain oral hygiene by regularly cleaning baby’s gums with soft damp cloth hence reducing any bacterial exposure. Once body indicates teething one should take baby to dentist(pediatric) who can offer further advice for baby’s symptoms. It is essential to wipe out excess salivation due to drooling as persistent wetness can cause rash.

It is important for caretakers to constantly keep an eye on any unusual signs of bleeding gums, infection, swelling etc. in case they  should immediately contact the dentist.

Note that although your baby may experience discomfort during teething, they shouldn’t become sick. While experiencing symptoms that are not typical of teething, such as as vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, or respiratory problems, seek medical assistance

The onset of your baby’s first teeth all through the teething process is a remarkable developmental milestone. You can make this stage of development as comfortable as possible for your child through being aware of and competent at controlling teething symptoms.


Though it varies greatly from kid to child, most newborns start teething between the ages of four and seven months.

Teething symptoms include drooling, gnawing on hard objects, fussiness, swollen, sensitive gums, and changes in sleeping or feeding habits. It can also cause a minor temperature increase.

If your baby is eating solids, you may ease their discomfort during teething by giving them cooling teething rings, gently massaging their gums with a clean finger, or offering them cold, soft meals.

If a kid is younger than two years old, do not use topical anesthetics such as benzocaine or belladonna-containing teething medication unless instructed by a healthcare professional.

Yes,  excessive drooling is a typical sign of teething . To avoid skin irritation, keep their chin dry, and think about putting on a bib to keep their clothing dry.

In fact, your baby’s pain during teething might keep them up at night. Before going to bed, try to calm them with teething rings or light gum rubs.

Though teething is a natural process one should monitor common symptoms associated with it such as high temperature, diarrhea. It is important to monitor these too as they might be indicator of underlying other medical issues.

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