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Oral Sedation

A medication is given orally for comforting patients during dental procedure and comforting patients with dental anxiety. It is prescribed by the dentist and generally taken before the appointment. The dosage might  vary from patient to patient.


Individuals might be instructed fasting depending on which oral sedative is being given.Unlike nitrous oxide sedation in this case one may require companion or transportation arrangements. 

Dentist will take detailed medical history to avoid any possible drug interactions 

Once an individual takes the medication and its effects start  one might still require a local anesthetic to numb the concerned area.Once adequately sedated the dentist will start off the procedure to be carried out .

Post treatment patients are observed for their degree of alertness and awareness to be enough to leave the dental clinic 

Individuals are often advised to stay at home and take rest for the day as the sedative effect completely wears off. Follow up care instructions are given by the dentist before one leaves regarding both the pain management and maintaining oral hygiene as well.

Important Points

The effects and side effects both are dependent on an individual’s overall well being inclusive of their medical history. Medical history is important to be disclosed before the dentist to avoid any risk of complications .Unlike nitrous oxide sedation oral sedation lacks real time dosage adjustments.Some motor skills like driving or operating any machinery are impaired for few time period.


Nitrous oxide sedation and IV Sedation are two best alternatives for oral sedation

 It is possible to avoid dental problems from progressing worse through early intervention and sedation to provide a more comfortable and relaxing dental care experience.

In modern dentistry, oral sedation is a highly appreciated and often used technique because it offers a helpful option enhancing patient comfort and facilitating necessary treatments.


A medication is given orally for comforting patients during dental procedure and comforting patients with dental anxiety. It is prescribed by the dentist and generally taken before the appointment. The dosage might  vary from patient to patient.

Individuals suffering from any dental anxiety,ones with very less pain threshold ,quick gag reflex are often regarded as ideal fit for oral sedation.

Dentist might recommend fasting,and arranging a companion or transportation incase of    administering oral sedatives.

Yes if an individual has clearly disclosed his medical history to the dentist and any current medication dentist might adjust dosage accordingly and is safe.

Oral sedation won’t make one unconscious, rather one will be in a calm state of mind and reduced awareness and pain .One is still able to respond to Dentist’s instructions.

Definitely not; following oral sedation, you should not drive. Your judgment and reflexes may be affected by the medicine. Make travel and lodging arrangements for a companion to accompany you home until the symptoms subside entirely.

Side effects may  include drowsiness, mild disorientation, and sometimes nausea. All of which are temporary.

While IV sedation is administered intravenously and allows more precise control over the dosage of sedation while oral sedation is given as a pill prior to the treatment. Nitrous oxide, is inhaled shortly after it loses its effects. Each sedation technique has benefits and situations in which it works best.

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