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Root Exposure

The root of a tooth is normally covered by the bone and gum supporting the tooth. If this support is removed, part of the root is exposed. You need to consult a dentist for root exposure treatment services to avoid other dental problems that may arise, such as tooth decay.

What is root exposure?

The root of a tooth is normally covered by the bone and gum supporting the tooth. If this support is removed, part of the root is exposed. It may be mild, moderate or severely exposed. Root exposure exposes the soft inner and innervated dentine core of a tooth to the oral environment for which it was not designed. The tooth may be sensitive to otherwise normal stimuli like hot and cold. It is prone to tooth decay. Over time, if you don't seek tooth root exposed treatment, the affected tooth may loosen and fall out. Loss of the tooth due to ageing was once thought to be a normal progression of time. However, with proper care and professional intervention, your teeth can last a lifetime!


  • Tooth sensitivity.
  • Twinges, aches and pains can occur at any time.
  • Common triggers are sweet, sour, hot, or cold foods and drinks.
  • Teeth looking longer or the appearance of the roots at the base of your teeth.
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums are signs of gum disease that can lead to root exposure.

Common Causes & Prevention

Brushing your teeth with a sawing motion (back and forth in the same line) damages the gum and exposes the root, especially if the gum is thin or the roots bulge beneath the bone and gum thinning the overlying bone. Avoid vigorous brushing and abrasive toothpaste. Brush gently in a circular motion to avoid the sawing action, and you will not further damage the tooth structure.

Immediately consult your dentist if you notice any signs of exposed roots. Immediate root exposure treatment would come in handy to prevent further damage to the gum.

Avoid acidic soft drinks which can rapidly demineralise dentine and promote root decay.


Get a online dental consult or visit your dentist to find out if you have exposed roots. Following this, they may apply sensitising agents or fluoride gels to the sensitive area, treat any gum disease, and, in severe cases of exposed tooth roots, recommend a dental surgeon to perform a gum graft to cover the exposed area. Your online dentist can also prescribe certain medications that can reduce the sensitivity of the teeth until you get an in-person appointment with your local dentist.

Commonly Asked Questions

Root exposure occurs when the bone and gum support of the tooth is removed hence exposing part of the root.
Brushing your teeth with a sawing motion (back and forth in the same line) damages the gum and exposes the root, especially if the gum is thin or the roots bulge beneath the bone and gum thinning the overlying bone. Other causes are the use of abrasive toothpaste and vigorous brushing.
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STEP 1: Brief assessment

Answer a few questions on your oral health

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STEP 2: Show the online dentist

Share images of your teeth and mouth

STEP 3: Complete Consult

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