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Sleep Apena

Sleep apnea is a disorder caused due to any blockage in the upper respiratory tract or inadequate signal from the brain for respiratory effect. If not diagnosed timely its implications may possess risks such as cardiovascular disease, increased fatigue and drowsiness and cognitive decline.

Contributing Factors:

Overweight, High blood pressure, detrimental habits like heavy smoking and alcohol consumption contribute to increased chances of  sleep apnea .

Signs and Symptoms

One may experience extreme fatigue and sleepiness during daytime, loud snoring, difficulty breathing especially when lying down(sleeping)and feeling heavy headed after waking up .

Sleep Apnea impact on oral health:

As individuals with sleep apnea are more prone to mouth breathing it may lead to dry mouth and hence increased risk of tooth decay.Constant severe clenching might result in inflammation of the TMJ/Jaw joints and contribute to jaw disorders and discomfort. It may also result in ulceration on cheek or tongue due to biting forces caused by clenching. Sleep Apnea also causes halitosis or bad oral breath.

Treatment Options

Oral appliances may be given in case of severe clenching to keep mouth  a bit open so as airway is not restricted;in case of severe conditions maintaining continuous positive airway pressure devices are advised to prevent collapse of respiratory tract.

Incase of any physical abnormalities are ruled then surgical procedures like removal of tonsils and adenoidectomy are advised.With all the above mentioned treatments it is very important to modify lifestyle measures like avoiding alcohol and sedatives .The correlation between sleep apnea and dental health highlights the value of comprehensive treatment in successfully dealing with both areas of well-being. Individuals with sleep apnea might benefit greatly from regular dental checkups and coordination between dental and medical professionals.


It is an obstructive breathing disorder caused by obstruction in airway passage or lack of respiratory signal from the brain.

Risk factors like obesity, smoking, high blood pressure and any physiological disorder like inflamed tonsils ,narrow airway passage or thick large neck circumference.

One may experience extreme fatigue and sleepiness during daytime, loud snoring, difficulty breathing especially when lying down(sleeping)and feeling heavy headed after waking up .

A sleep study, polysomnography, conducted either at home or in a sleep lab is typically necessary for diagnosing sleep apnea. In order to identify episodes of sleep apnea, this study tracks a number of features all through sleep, including oxygen levels, breathing patterns, and brain activity.

Constant severe clenching might result in inflammation of the TMJ/Jaw joints and contribute to jaw disorders and discomfort.It may also result in ulceration on cheek or tongue due to biting forces caused by clenching.Sleep Apnea also causes halitosis or bad oral breath.

Oral appliances may be given in case of severe clenching to keep mouth  a bit open so as airway is not restricted; in case of severe conditions maintaining continuous positive airway pressure devices are advised to prevent collapse of respiratory tract.

Incase of any physical abnormalities are ruled then surgical procedures like removal of tonsils and adenoidectomy are advised. With all the above mentioned treatments it is very important to modify lifestyle measures like avoiding alcohol and sedatives .

If left untreated, sleep apnea can have negative impacts on overall wellness, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cognitive impairment, and other diseases. Addressing sleep apnea can also enhance quality of life and reduce the risk of associated oral health issues.

Incase of any physical abnormalities are ruled then surgical procedures like removal of tonsils and adenoidectomy are advised. With all the above mentioned treatments it is very important to modify lifestyle measures like avoiding alcohol and sedatives .

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